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Rooftop Dining in Rosemary Beach®


Rosemary Beach® exudes luxury, and after a stroll down Barrett Square, you’d be crazy to argue. The community boasts memorable architecture resembling a quaint European streetscape. Offering a plethora of small shops and dining options for visitors. While it remains a top culinary destination along Scenic Hwy 30A, there are 2 restaurants that standout among the many quality options for dining in Rosemary Beach. Pescado and Havana Beach Bar and...

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Featured Property

Guys Trip! Best Beach Vacation Destination


So you’ve decided who you’re traveling with and scheduled your vacation days off in advance. You know for certain that your destination will include great outdoor activities, highly acclaimed dining and entertainment, and the most pristine beach money can buy (or possibly the the most beautiful beach within a reasonable drive from your home state)! Allow us to interject and provide a few tips on how to have the best...

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Luxury 30A Vacations


The Providence | Rosemary Beach, FL June 20th is the first official day of summer but along 30A it already feels like summer is in full swing! Dune Vacation Rentals is an established luxury rental provider who specializes in maintaining, marketing and booking high end and/or unique vacation properties along 30A. If you have experienced our properties and staff we appreciate that you chose Dune over other companies along 30A...

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